I keep looking and looking, but I just can’t find the reference photo that Dad used in making this illustration for Allan W. Eckert’s
Incident at Hawk’s Hill. He and I posed for it - and that’s pretty much me (or a scrawnier version of me) and although the father’s head isn’t Dad’s, the strong forearms definitely are.
UPDATE of April 12, 2011!

I found the photo - it was hiding in plain sight. And, yes, Dad’s arms are much like the dad’s in the illustration. Also, I am indeed plumper than the boy in the book. If only I had been raised by a badger on the Manitoban prairies!
On the left in the background is Dad’s jacket illustration for “The Jezebel Wolf” by F. N. Monjo.
Wow, Allen Eckhart, the man who invented the Bermuda Triangle. I think this book was the first one your dad worked on that my girlfriend might have designed for LB. She had worked with Eckhart before, and hated him.